
Disease Awareness Can Lead to Better Outcomes

In 2018, Gov. Bill Haslam made Tennessee the first U.S. state to declare March as Amyloidosis Awareness Month. Since then, those diagnosed with the disease worldwide are acknowledged, recognized, and appreciated this month for the untold challenges they face with this condition. Setting aside a particular month to…

Lamentations Let Us Move On to Strength

Every week I write my column using my personal experience as a caregiver to a spouse diagnosed with hereditary ATTR amyloidosis. Writing demonstrates my competence to reflect on my words and actions. I can celebrate my strength and tenacity in carrying my responsibilities as a mother to four…

Why Rare Disease Day Matters to the Amyloidosis Community

When I married my husband, Aubrey, I knew a hereditary and life-threatening disease affected some members of his family, but I had little other information about it. We naively carried on with our lives, secretly hoping the disease hadn’t reached his generation. When we learned that several of Aubrey’s first…

The Ups and Downs of Sleeplessness

Has the COVID-19 pandemic been keeping all of us up at night? According to an online forum by the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health reported on by The Harvard Gazette, the pandemic has resulted in a big change to people’s sleeping habits, resulting in insomnia for many.