Rumination and Response - a Column by Ezekiel Lim

Ezekiel is caregiver to his mother-in-law, who has familial amyloid polyneuropathy. He holds a bachelor's degree in strategic and organizational communications from Temple University and currently lives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. When not writing, he's skateboarding or hanging out with his wife, Maryann.

Tips to Reduce Peripheral Neuropathy Pain and Improve Sleep Quality

Pain from peripheral neuropathy can become severe enough to disrupt sleep patterns and cause poor sleep quality for patients. Those with familial amyloid polyneuropathy may experience painful symptoms including burning sensations and pain aggravation at rest. Because neuropathic pain and quality of sleep are correlated,…

How Stress May Worsen Peripheral Neuropathy Pain

Stress is a difficult part of everyday life. Whether it’s work-related, health-related, or the result of factors outside of our control, chronic stress may be dangerous for people with peripheral neuropathy symptoms. For familial amyloid polyneuropathy patients, chronic stress may adversely affect peripheral…

What Neuropathy Patients Should Know About IVIG

Familial amyloid polyneuropathy patients and their caregivers will want to research treatment options at the onset of the disease. As patients become more accustomed to their symptoms, they can research the various treatments designed to address the tingling, burning, and numbness associated with peripheral neuropathy. Intravenous immunoglobulin therapy…

The Right Diet Can Help Neuropathy Patients Better Manage Symptoms

For patients with familial amyloid polyneuropathy, the pain, tingling, and numbness associated with peripheral neuropathy symptoms may be exacerbated by what they eat. Patients and caregivers must be conscientious of foods that may help to alleviate peripheral neuropathy symptoms, as well as the foods that may increase…

Neuropathy and Hiking: A Patient’s Guide to the Outdoors

Patients actively or recently experiencing symptoms of peripheral neuropathy may find previously existing patterns of life and activity to be disrupted by the onset of pain in the peripheral limbs. The prevalence of burning and tingling sensations in the feet may discourage those suffering from familial…

Helping Neuropathy Patients Cope with Loneliness

While patients with familial amyloid polyneuropathy are struggling with the pain of peripheral neuropathy, they may also be battling loneliness. A sense of isolation might stem from limited mobility and a feeling of being burdensome to those around them.

5 Last-minute Christmas Gifts for Neuropathy Patients

With the holiday season upon us, friends and family members of neuropathy patients may be scrambling to find the perfect gifts for their loved ones. Choosing a gift for someone with familial amyloid polyneuropathy may be a sensitive subject for those unfamiliar with its symptoms. Many will be unsure…

How to Manage Neuropathy Symptoms During Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a time for friends and family to spend together reflecting on the things they’re grateful for and bonding over the traditional meal. For many, the holiday may involve long-distance travel and hours of preparation for the festivities. Patients who suffer from…

Therapy Dogs Offer Benefits for Neuropathy Patients

Pets can provide companionship and help with basic tasks to neuropathy patients and their caregivers. For familial amyloid polyneuropathy patients, dogs can complement the emotional support and service provided by a caregiver. Growing up, my wife’s family always had a…