Mary Chapman,  features writer—

Mary graduated from Wayne State University with a degree in journalism. She began her career at United Press International, then spent a decade reporting for the Bureau of National Affairs, Inc. (now Bloomberg Industry Group). Mary has written extensively for The New York Times, and her work has appeared in publications such as Time, Newsweek, Fortune, and the Chicago Tribune. She’s won a Society of Professional Journalists award for outstanding reporting.

Articles by Mary Chapman

Tips for Managing Stress When You Have FAP

Familial amyloid polyneuropathy (FAP) is a progressive disease caused by deposits of amyloid fibrils in nerve cells and organs. As a result, patients experience severe peripheral neuropathy, cardiac dysfunction, extreme weight loss, and muscle wasting, among other symptoms. These symptoms can cause a lot of stress for patients on…

Treatment Plan for FAP

Familial amyloid polyneuropathy (FAP) is a rare and complex disease that affects multiple systems in the body. Many physicians are unfamiliar with it and its treatment. This could present a major problem, particularly in a medical emergency. Therefore, if you have FAP, developing and maintaining a treatment plan…

Keeping a Food Diary When You Have FAP

If you have familial amyloid polyneuropathy (FAP), a healthy diet may help delay the onset and slow the progression of the disease. To keep track of what you’re consuming, a food diary can help. What is a food diary? A food diary is a daily log of…

FAP and Diet

Environmental factors such as diet may help delay the onset and slow the progression of familial amyloid polyneuropathy (FAP). Following are some dietary suggestions you may want to consider. But be sure to discuss with your primary physician before making any changes to your diet. Increase hydration FAP is…

Mindfulness for FAP Patients

Symptoms of chronic disorders such as familial amyloid polyneuropathy (FAP) can present multiple challenges to everyday life. One tool that may help you cope is mindfulness. What is mindfulness? Mindfulness is the practice of being constantly aware of your thoughts, feelings, sensations, and environment. Rather than constantly…

The Spoon Theory for FAP Patients

Being diagnosed with a genetic disease during adulthood can be a life-changing event. Between managing your symptoms and addressing the challenges that the disease poses to you and your family and friends, you may be overwhelmed both physically and emotionally. A practice called the spoon theory may help you…