Rumination and Response - a Column by Ezekiel Lim

Ezekiel is caregiver to his mother-in-law, who has familial amyloid polyneuropathy. He holds a bachelor's degree in strategic and organizational communications from Temple University and currently lives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. When not writing, he's skateboarding or hanging out with his wife, Maryann.

Peripheral Neuropathy Alternative Treatments

Caregivers of patients suffering from symptoms of familial amyloid polyneuropathy are familiar with the prescribed treatments for the disease. Medications such as Neurontin (gabapentin) address the disease’s symptoms from within, while topical treatments may provide temporary relief for nerve pain. Many treatments for peripheral neuropathy symptoms come…

Managing Stress and Anxiety in Neuropathy Patients

The stresses of everyday life weigh heavily on patients with familial amyloid polyneuropathy. When faced with major external stressors, such as the diagnosis of a severe ailment in another family member, however, the stress and anxiety may be unbearable. Peripheral neuropathy symptoms…

Caregivers, Polyneuropathy, and Sun Exposure

Summer months can be difficult for patients with familial amyloid polyneuropathy. Peripheral neuropathy symptoms cause a great deal of discomfort, which may be exacerbated by hot temperatures and direct sunlight. As the patient’s limbs experience burning sensations, managing these symptoms in light of the summer heat may seem…

What Caregivers Should Know About Peripheral Neuropathy Foot Treatments

During the years that I’ve been acquainted with my mother-in-law, I’ve familiarized myself with the symptoms and treatments of her polyneuropathy. She’s specifically prone to peripheral neuropathy symptoms, the most prominent being tingling and burning sensations in her feet. These burning and tingling sensations greatly affected her daily life.

Caregivers Should Be Aware of Gabapentin’s Side Effects

For caregivers tasked with the care of a loved one suffering from familial amyloid polyneuropathy, understanding the symptoms of the disease and its prescribed treatments is crucial. Peripheral neuropathy affects nerve function in the patient’s arms, legs, feet, and hands. Neurontin (gabapentin) is one of the most common…

Traveling with Nerve Pain Symptoms

The peripheral symptoms of familial amyloid polyneuropathy (FAP) may prove troublesome for the maneuverability of patients. Caregivers are faced with the daunting task of helping patients navigate day-to-day errands and long-term travel. Symptoms such as numbness, tingling, and…