
The Importance of Giving a Voice to Patients and Carers

A few days ago, I had the honor of presenting at this year’s Patients as Partners Europe virtual conference, an industry forum centered on exchanging ideas about how to more readily provide therapeutics to patients. A vast majority of attendees were from the pharmaceutical industry, clinical research organizations, and…

The Beauty of Healing Through Language

I can hear the shower going upstairs as I sit at my writing desk in my downstairs office. It is funny how the sound of running water always makes me feel a little melancholic and contemplative. At the moment, I am dwelling on a question someone posed to me after…

In the New Year, I Will Focus on What Is True

2020 is almost at an end. In a few weeks, we will celebrate the holiday season, and before we know it, 2021 will be upon us. The past year was mostly filled with bad news and unexpected events, and the turmoil caused by COVID-19 has impacted many people around the…

‘Change the Way You Think About It’

“Surprise!” I watched familiar faces filter into the room where I stood stunned, not expecting the birthday event that was unfolding before me. I turn 50 tomorrow, and some close friends went to the trouble of organizing a celebration for me. I was thankful for the moment, and I felt…

Tomorrow the Shadows Will Be Gone

I feel the coolness of the glass against my forehead. The shower is pelting warmth against my skin, but the water doesn’t feel very soothing today. I am tense as I block out thoughts of banging my head against the glass shower door. I know this sounds absurd, but today…

Looking for Threads of Hope When Crisis Hits

“I love you. If anything happens to me, you know where I keep the account details.” My husband uttered these parting words as I dropped him off for admittance into the hospital in April. His severe fluid retention had caused his feet and abdomen to balloon up while his…

Even Superheroes Have Sidekicks

My husband lives under the banner of his disease. This may sound hard-hitting, but it is the fact of the matter. The sooner carers appreciate that hereditary amyloidosis may transform their loved one into someone else, the better they will adapt to their altered relationship with each other. I say…