Vanda Pinto, PhD,  science writer—

​​Vanda is a biochemist with a PhD in biomedicine from the University of Porto, Portugal. She conducted her postdoctoral research first at the Bristol Medical School, U.K., studying the insulin-PI3K/Akt signaling pathway in diabetic nephropathy, then at the Institute of Molecular Pathology and Immunology of the University of Porto, where her focus was on glycosylation in lupus nephritis and inflammatory bowel disease. She next made the switch to science publishing, handling papers in biochemistry, molecular biology, and immunology.

Articles by Vanda Pinto

New Compound Score May Help Screen for TTR Genetic Testing

A highly sensitive tool has been developed to help identify patients with familial amyloid polyneuropathy (FAP). Using a compound score based on clinical symptoms and electrophysiological data, clinicians can now determine which patients should undergo genetic testing. “This score can be easily performed also during electrophysiological evaluation and can…