Patricia Inácio, PhD,  science writer—

Patricia holds her PhD in cell biology from the University Nova de Lisboa, Portugal, and has served as an author on several research projects and fellowships, as well as major grant applications for European agencies. She also served as a PhD student research assistant in the Department of Microbiology & Immunology, Columbia University, New York, for which she was awarded a Luso-American Development Foundation (FLAD) fellowship.

Articles by Patricia Inácio

Scientist Awarded $1.79M to Develop New Amyloidosis Treatment

Scientist Jonathan Wall, PhD, has won a $1.79-million grant to develop a potential treatment for amyloidosis, a group of conditions that includes familial amyloid polyneuropathy (FAP). The grant, from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, will fund a research project, titled “Developing a Theranostic…