José Lopes, PhD,  managing science editor—

José holds a PhD in neuroscience from the University of Porto, Portugal. After postdocs at Weill Connell Medicine and Western University, where he studied the processes driving hypertension and Alzheimer’s disease, he moved on in 2016 to a career in science writing and communication. José is the author of several peer-reviewed papers and a book chapter and has presented his research in numerous international meetings.

Articles by José Lopes

Tegsedi Found to Improve Neuropathy Symptoms, Quality of Life in FAP Patients in Phase 3 Trial

Treatment with the investigative therapy Tegsedi (inotersen) provides early and significant improvements in neuropathy symptoms and quality of life in patients with familial amyloid polyneuropathy (FAP), according to results from a pivotal Phase 2/3 clinical trial. These results, announced by Ionis Pharmaceuticals, the treatment’s developer, and its affiliate, Akcea…

Protein Interaction and Aggregation Studies May Provide Key Data for Treatment of Amyloid Diseases, Study Says

Studying the interaction between different amyloid (abnormal disease-causing) proteins may provide insight into the treatment of diseases such as familial amyloid polyneuropathy (FAP), an Indian study suggests. The study, “Q-Rich Yeast Prion [PSI+] Accelerates Aggregation of Transthyretin, a Non-Q-Rich Human Protein,” appeared in the journal Frontiers in…